subroutine nexper(n,a,mtc) C p57 Nijenhuis & Wilf Combinatorial Alg C Next permutation of a set 1:n implicit integer(a-z) logical mtc integer a(*),h data nlast/0/ C C For some reason on some machines I have found a 'save' statement was needed.. C save if(n.le.0) then mtc=.false. return endif 10 if(n.eq.nlast) goto 20 30 nlast=n m=1 v=1 nf=1 do j=1,n nf=nf*j a(j)=j enddo 40 return 20 if(.not.mtc) goto 30 goto(70,80)v 70 t=a(2) a(2)=a(1) a(1)=t v=2 m=m+1 goto 40 80 h=3 m1=m/2 90 b=mod(m1,h) if( goto 120 m1=m1/h h=h+1 goto 90 120 m1=n h1=h-1 do 160 j=1,h1 m2=a(j)-a(h) if( m2=m2+n if( goto 160 m1=m2 j1=j 160 continue t=a(h) a(h)=a(j1) a(j1)=t v=1 m=m+1 return end C logical mtc integer a(100),fact,fn read(5,*) n k=0 fn=fact(n) write(6,*)' n=',n,' fact(n)=',fn 1 k=k+1 call nexper(n,a,mtc) C write(6,*) (a(i),i=1,n) if(k.eq.1.or.k.eq.fn)write(6,*) (a(i),i=1,n) if(mtc) goto 1 stop end C integer function fact(n) fact=1 if(n.le.1) return do i=1,n fact=fact*i enddo return end
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